When launched, the Running World Cup app highlighted it was losing potential users during the onboarding process. It was pin-pointed this was due to its complexity around adding a tracker and other design inconsistencies in the user journey. Our challenge was to improve the interactive experience, increase engagement and encourage users to adopt healthy new habits.
The app also has the added incentive for users to reach running milestones. These running milestones are awarded to users with donations to charities funding vaccinations in Africa; encouraging users to go the extra mile! We as a team wanted to bring this to the forefront of the experience.
We conducted a number of Discovery workshops which involved a deeper analysis of the current app and its architecture. User research was then conducted to empathise with users and understand pain points of the current experience in greater depth. We also investigated how users interacted with similar apps on the market.
In addition, there was an exploration into users's current tracking devices and applications that they would want to link with the app, such as FitBit, Garmin , Apple Watch and Strava. We facilitated a number of one-to-one interviews and focus groups with users to gain understanding of behaviours when interacting with their trackers. We used these insights from our research to steer the design decisions.
From our Discovery insights and backed with decades of experience, we were able to formulate a new improved user flow for the application. We began designing in lo-fidelity wireframe form and later prototyped these designs to validate decisions before progressing to hi-fi design. Once the designs had been de-risked and validated with users, the design team created a design component library and the final visual UI. Our design team then worked closely with the Client’s in-house development team to complete and launch the next release of the app.