The world spends trillions treating the outcomes of obesity, largely considering weight loss an aesthetic goal. From pills to surgery, our healthcare systems are buckling under the pressure of managing obesity-related conditions, while systemically underfunding weight loss treatments - the only true way to stop these diseases from ruining lives.
Habitual founded late 2019 has developed a three-part life changing programme designed for disease reversal with focus on weight, a personalised habit-change programme to help patients make lasting changes to your nutritional, mental, and physical habits and thirdly help in sustaining this change through daily support.
Although Habitual had started developing a mobile app, the team was small and needed to move at pace to launch the MVP avoiding further delays.
ASquared worked alongside the Habitual product team in the next stage of their development cycle to help them rapidly launch their new React Native mobile app. This followed on from an initial alpha release to a user focus group to gather feedback.
ASquared supported with design, development, testing and project management focusing on the onboarding, programme and content areas of the app.
ASquared worked collaboratively with Habitual to develop a new onboarding user journey, free trial feature and the programme, a key part of the main content area within the app. In addition the design team created achievements and small animations to bring alive the overall user experience and increase engagement.
What is digital behaviour change? Daily lessons to help you address the underlying factors that determine all of your behaviours. A tracking app that keeps you accountable and delivers personalised recommendations based on your progress. Support from other people going through the same program.
A programme built around each individual's needs with weekly programme themes. Taking only small patient cohorts to ensure patients get all the support they need. Personalised medical onboarding to ensure patient safety. Easy access to support from their Patient Care team. Individual maintenance plans to help patients stay healthy for life.
Patients use the app to record their daily tasks monitoring their sleep, mood, activity levels, keeping a daily journal, as well as access to bitesize content helping them learn more about their health. Each item tracked leads to earning points and Habicoins which patients can use to trade in for physical rewards via the health shop on the app.